BNC Technology



She called it ‘Lovemarks’. And the audience went, “Woah.” At our recent C.P.D Smart Home Tech-nology Workshop, we invited Scuderia South Africa’s Marketing Manager, and recipient of the In-ternational Ferrari Testa Rosso Award for Top Ferrari Marketing Manager 2018, Chanelle Zackey, to a Bean Bag Session in our private home cinema. Chanelle unveiled a trade secret that captivated us with its allure and brand savviness. She spoke of the ‘Lovemarks’ of the Ferrari brand, and explained that these are the stitches of leg-acy that a brand leaves behind. According to Ferrari, a ‘Lovemark’ is an element of mystery that sits at the soul of a brand. It’s that certain something something that is unique to a luxury brand, that leaves its owner feeling enthralled and enthused at every touchpoint. Ferrari has 70 years’ worth of history behind it, and a lot of their success is owed to a blending of legendary design and innovative technology. This got me thinking about the ‘lovemarks’ of BNC Technology and the stories we create with every design journey we embark upon with our clients.


Ten years strong, BNC Technology shares the same car maker’s passion for design and technology. There is no denying the irrevocable pull towards a luxurious, future-forward brand that trumps the regular; we have a deep-seated passion for the seamless integration of creative design, married with the engineering practicalities of our ‘black box’, that tells an original tale in every space. A ‘lovemark’ fundamental is the combination of great design and tailored functionality, making it more than just another product or service delivery. It’s a statement of soul; a tapestry of technique that delivers an experience; one that is etched in the hearts of the client.


It becomes an indispen-sable part of your life, by design. At BNC Technology we really are proud of the stories we get to tell through our world-class, auto-mated systems and our big, badass cinema screens and our rising audio caskets (check these out here); but what we are most proud of, if I have to be honest, is the mark of love we leave behind with the individuals and the families of every home that we touch. It’s a personal experience, a relationship, a feeling. And that my friends, admittedly, has nothing to do with design, but everything to with Non vedo l’ora (BNC Translation: a limitless passion, without hours, terms or conditions). We think Ferrari will agree.